A day of miracles..
Yup,that's what today was like for me. Well, not that i genuinely saw the world saved from Armageddon, it was a few small incidents that really made it seem miraculous.
To start off, just as i got up from my sleep, i received a text from someone i've been waiting to hear from, since like 6 months. Now what has that to do with a miracle?
Well, i almost certainly crushed my chances of talking again, and frankly i've been all whiny with God since the day. And yesterday was the summit. I guess lord finally had to give in. I still dont know what's it gonna be like again, though I hope it turns out well. Thanks almighty. Atleast it could cure some of my issues with life.
Next, I had the nicest 10 minute conversation with my Dad. It was great just standing under the sun, looking out of our balcony, seeing people and madness fly by, while we lazily sipped our brut and said nothing. We dont really get to spend the kind of Dad-Son moments we'd like together. And this was just amazing.
My buddy Rasto finally fell in love, and found his love as well. Now he's making hefty plans for "A NIGHT TO REMEMBER". Easy Boy!
Catch him at
There are more of them, like my PC which finally started running all by itself after a fortnight of endless boot-up refusals. And for the first time ever, i'm sharing a serious thought with people.
I guess one positive act straightens everything else up. Clearly, in my case, the text started a chain of positive events.
Well, its still a few hours to go before i call it a day, who knows i may be in for even more surprises if not miracles.
P.S. I almost forgot, I broke my 1 post per month rule. That does qualify for a miracle as well,right?
The Revival
It has been so long since I last posted something on this blog. I think it
is about time, I revive it and start following my hobbies more.
A lot has hap...
4 years ago
Great Post Man!!!
Arrey you linked me here so it gotta be Legend---AAARY... as in Barney Ishtyle... :)
Anyway.. sahi hai yar.. atleast here i knw ur lil secrets..
ll talk to u bout d whole SMS thing later..
Canteen Coffee will be great with your complementary Stories.. :P
Keep Writing Afff-Hole..
i think we all got lotsa things to discuss over a coffee... na na... coffeesssssss.... :)
A NIGHT TO REMEMBER-------->>>> awwwwfummm
Waiting for your December, January and February post !!!!
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